Monday, January 30, 2006


Five Actions - Panchakarma

"Panchakarma," a sanskrit word meaning "five actions," describes a series of gentle, natural therapies that boost the body's ability to detoxify and rejuvenate. As an essential part of Ayurveda, India's ancient holistic system of medicine, it is used to maintain the body's balance to prevent illness or as the first step in holistic treatment. Panchakarma's incredible purification improves healing throughout the body, mind, and spirit, clearing the way for the body's healing intelligence to flow freely.

Today, an oil massage, steam baths, and a special diet prepare your body for several days of relaxing, healing therapies at a spa-like medical clinic. A precise sequence of soothing treatments is then applied in such a way that brainwaves are stimulated and synchronized, creating deep relaxation and an expanded state of consciousness. At the same time, herbal therapies help flush toxins from the body's systems and tissues while massage soothes the body and balances its energy. Profoundly rejuvenating, Panchakarma can increase energy and mental clarity. It has even been known to slow the aging process and heal diseases previously thought to be incurable according to Western medicine.

Depending on the needs of the particular individual, a series of five basic therapies are used: Vaman purges toxins from the sinuses, lungs, and stomach; Virechan flushes toxins from the small intestine; Vasti removes toxins from the colon; Nasyam is herbal therapy applied through the nose for head and sinus conditions. The fifth therapy can be one of three methods: Rakta Moksham removes the excess toxins in the bloodstream, while Shiro Dhara uses a hot-oil head massage. A second form of Vasti can also be applied. Along with a relief of symptoms and improvements in physical disorders, many people, after experiencing Panchakarma, feel lighter, more energized, and look younger. The body's ability to heal itself is deeply enhanced with the techniques of Panchakarma. By embracing its methods, we eliminate obstacles to complete balance in our bodies and allow the powerful flow of our healing energy to restore our health, our natural glow, and our zest for life.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Your BirthStars in Vedic Astrology : Ashwini

There is 27 BirthStars in Vedic Astrology. We will teach you one at a time.

1 Ashwini (0°00' - 13°30' Aries)
General Characteristics: Good looking appearance; gentle personable manners; intelligent; skilled in work
Translation: Possessing horses, the horsewoman
Symbol: A horse's head
Animal Symbol: A male horse
Ruling Planet: Ketu
Nature: Deva (god-like)
Presiding deity - Ashvini Kumaras, the golden armored horse headed twins of ancient Vedic lore who performed many miracles as physicians of the celestial gods.

Favorable: Competent worker who performs above average on the job; intelligent; self sufficient; natural healer; helps others; moderate habits; dresses well; good finances; attractive; powerful; intuitive; idealistic; spiritually inclined; adventurous; independent; strong; powerful; charming; playful nature; nurturer; traveler; loves family.

Unfavorable: Hastiness in action compromises efficiency; impulsiveness; desire to pursue new experiences in life causes a weakness in finishing things; aggressive; stubborn; wants to do things their own way; disappointed when things do not go as planned; dissatisfied; arrogant; lack of mental quietude; over passionate.

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Sunday, January 22, 2006


Vedic Astrology is Star Based or Sidereal --- Western is Season Based or Tropical

It is important to know that Vedic astrological calculations are different from what most of us have seen in the Western systems. Vedic Astrology is sidereal or based in reference to the stars. All its calculations are constantly adjusted for a back slipping motion of the earth called precession. The earth's axial spin retards or moves back about one degree or one day every 72 years, in relationship to a fixed star. The astronomy of the sky that you observe each night in our modern times is nearly matched to the zodiac constellations used in Vedic Astrology calculations.

In Western astrology, the planetary positions presented in their Zodiac do not represent today's astronomical positions. They tend to focus more on the seasons as markers of time. The Tropical zodiac remains unchanged from what was seen in the skies almost 2000 years ago by the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Babylonians. The two systems are about 23 days apart (called the "ayanamsa") from where they mark the first point of the sign of Aries, which is the start of the circle of the zodiac (you have to start a circle somewhere). Again, this is due to that slow precessed, backward slipping of the earth. What this means, astrologically, that unless you were born somewhere between the 15th and 20th of the month, your Sun sign will most likely move back one sign in Vedic Astrology.

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Saturday, January 07, 2006


The Age of Truth (Satya Yuga)

The year 2006 marks the transition period between this current Age of Suffering (Kali Yuga) and the Age of Truth (Satya Yuga).

Everything in our solar system is governed by the planets. Besides the planets, there are 27 (birth) stars in Vedic Astrology. They can help a lot to predict the future. Two days ago I was conversing with one of the topmost astrologers in India who is being sought after by celebrities in business and politics. He made a statement that "rang a bell" in my heart. Astrology is called "Jyotish" in Sanskrit. "Jyothi" means Light. Astrology is called light because it shows the way to a person who does not know about his future and is groping in darkness. In other words, astrology is like a lighthouse for a boat lost at sea.

Life is full of mystery. No one knows what is going to happen to him/her in the near future or the distant future. The mind can know only certain things. There are arenas loaded with unknowable reality.

You should understand the difference between the unknown and unknowable realities. What was once not known is known now. What is unknown today will be known some time in the future. However, the unknowable will remain unknown forever for the human mind. The unknowable belongs to the divine realm. You have to have unknowingness in order to know the unknowable.

Vedic astrology can help somewhat - not fully though. Based on the position of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, it is predicted in the ancient Hindu tradition that there will be a wide-spread disaster across India. There will be calamities of different sorts: earthquake, fire, tornados, flood, terrorist attacks, diseases, war, etc. One third of India will undergo intense suffering. The disaster however is not confined to India alone. It will shake the entire world. It will appear as though it is the end time.

Mars in Aries, Saturn in Cancer, and Jupiter in Libra is the worst combination. There is a great deal of rivalry between Mars and Saturn to destroy the world. Mars has been sitting in Aries for nearly 5 months. He moves out of Aries on February 5, 2006. Major devastations are likely to occur before February 5th.

Not that February 5th is the end of the bad things that are to happen. Disasters will continue to happen until 2012, which is the beginning of the Age of Truth. By 2012 the photon light that comes out of the conjunction of the Sun, the Earth and the star Alcyone will transform the entire earth plane. By this time, people will become spontaneously good and happy. Evil, negativity and diseases- all will be under control. Some evolved human beings will turn their bodies into light and leave the earth plane. It is a heart-warming thing to know that there will be something for everyone across the board.

Between now and 2012 we will witness a lot of happenings that will spiritualize the world. There will be more understanding between races and religions. Jews will love the Muslims, and the Muslims will love the Hindus. Love will rule the world. This will be the nature of the Satya Yuga. I am very happy to welcome this Satya Yuga, but at the same time I am pained by the suffering that the world has to go through before the major change.

The stars Arudra, Ashlesha and Magha will do the major devastations. Punarvasu and Pushya will also usher in destruction.

Symbol: teardrop, diamond, a human head
Deity: Rudra the storm god, "the howler" and god of destruction, another form of Shiva.

Symbol: serpent, a curled-up or coiled snake Deity: Sarpas, or the Nagas, deified snakes Mythology: The serpent is the symbol of great wisdom, found in the occult sciences such as astrology or psychology. The snake has been referred to as the kundalini energy that rises through the spine in bringing spiritual enlightenment and magical powers.
(rules January 15th, 2006)

Symbol: royal throne Deity: Pitris, family ancestors, "The Fathers" Mythology: This is the constellation believed to be where our ancestors dwell and await their opportunity to reincarnate back with their families on earth.
(rules January 16th, 2006)

Symbol: bow and quiver (case that contains the arrows) Deity: Aditi, the mother of the gods, she is boundless, vast and limitless, goddess of abundance
Stars: Castor and Pollux the Gemini twins. Castor was the mortal twin known for his skill in horsemanship. Pollux the immortal twin is known for his skill in boxing.
(rules January 13th, 2006)

Symbol: cow's udder (milk producing), the lotus, an arrow and a circle Deity: Brihaspati, or Jupiter, the priest of the gods Mythology: Brihaspati is the guru or teacher of the gods and is the lord of speech and prayer. Shiva made Brihaspati into the planet Jupiter. Brihaspati had his wife Tara stolen by Soma, and she bore a child from this affair (Buddha). Brihaspati was taken by the charm of this child and raised it as his own.
(rules January 14th, 2006)

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Universal Feelings

Everything Is Relative

Every day we hear stories of personal suffering and loss that far exceed our own. When we compare our situations to those of people living in war-torn countries or those who have lost their homes and livelihoods to natural disasters, it is tempting to minimize our own experiences of suffering. We may feel that we don't have a right to be upset about the breakup of a relationship, for example, because at least we have food to eat and a roof over our heads.

While awareness of the pain of others in the world can be a valuable way to keep our own struggles in perspective, it is not a legitimate reason to disregard our own pain. Disparaging your feelings as being less important than other people's emotions leads to denial and repression. Over time, an unwillingness to experience your own feelings leads to numbness. It is as if our internal systems become clogged with our unexpressed emotions. This in no way helps other people who are suffering in the world. In fact, it may do just the opposite because when we devalue our own sorrow, we become impervious to the sorrow in others.

Fully experiencing our own hurt is the gateway to compassion toward other human beings. Feelings of loss, abandonment, loneliness, and fear are universal, and, in that sense, all feelings are created equal. Regardless of what leads us to feel the way we do, our comprehension of what it means to be human is deepened by our own experiences. Our personal lives provide us with the material we need to become fully conscious. If we reject our emotions because we think our experiences are not dramatic or important enough, we are missing out on our own humanity. We honor and value the human condition when we fully inhabit our bodies so we can experience and feel life fully. Accepting our emotions and allowing ourselves to feel them connects us to all human beings. Then, when we hear the stories of other people's suffering, our hearts can resonate with understanding and compassion-for all of us.

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Sunday, January 01, 2006


Tools to Improve

Vedic astrology is linked to other Vedic systems, such as Ayurveda for health, Vastu for dwellings (like Feng Shui) and other philosophies. Vedic Astrology is part of a holistic, integrated knowledge system and its effects can be bolstered by interoperating with its "sister" sciences. The Vedic Astrology system is kind in that not only is a person told what might happen, but they are presented a list of potential remedies or corrective actions to offset the quantity and quality of karmas that are returning to them, as seen in the birth chart. After all, it is held that the natal chart is a list of the karmas or previous actions that we have brought into this life. The chart, called a Janma Kundali in India, represents our starting point in this life and where our pluses and minuses lie throughout our lives. These fortifying practices, which should only be accepted from very qualified Vedic astrologers, include such measures as gemstones, mantras, balancing rituals called yagyas, and small acts, called Shantis, used to propitiate or soothe the impact associated with unfavorable planetary positions.

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